Transtechnologies Thermal Pvt Ltd
Flare Stack Ignition Systems
Transtech Flare Stack Ignition Systems help in complete and reliable flaring of wide range of waste gas by producing and maintaining a stable flame with flame monitoring and auto re-lighting system. Pilots are designed for continuous and intermittent use in adverse weather conditions. The system is designed for simplicity for easy operation but with robust construction.
Standard and optional items and features :
Flare Tips - custom designed to assist in maintaining a stable flame, prevent lift-off, blow off and prevent flame ingress
High Energy/High Voltage Pilots - for continous or intermittent duty
Flame Out Alarm, Thermocouple, Flame Rods, UV Flame Monitoring
Auto Re-Lighting System
Valve Trains - with instrumentations and safety
Control Panel - with option for explosion proof design
Velocity/Molecular Seal
Wind shrouds
Design and Drawing assistance for construction of flare riser